YEE-HAW! Nashville or Bust!

I have returned from our annual Avon Convention - we call it Repfest and had the most amazing time!  This year we ventured to Nashville and stayed at a gigantic resort called the Gaylord Opryland Resort Hotel.  It was so huge I got so turned around in that place, but it was oh so beautiful!  They rolled out the red carpet for us and made us feel welcome


After we arrived we found our rooms and then gathered for some dinner.  We ate at the Jack Daniels restaurant in the resort - there were 17 restaurants on the property.  We had a big group and it was fun to stay together.  I was just looking forward to some cheesy grits!!  

The following day all the fun begins!  I saw a lot of people I had just seen in the Bahamas and it was fun to catch up!  Being a part of Avon, I've been able to meet ladies from all around the country.  I feel like I know them since I follow them on social media.  I love meeting new people too - and when you go in and listen to a speaker I always try and chat with those sitting around me.  

Avon provides wonderful speakers and informative seminars to be a part of.  We break for lunch, visit, walk around and see the beautiful displays for what is coming up for us to sell during the Christmas/Holiday season which is right around the corner!

Did I mention this place was just huge?  


Conventions are open to everyone.  I encourage you to come to an Avon convention if you are at all able to.  I get so much energy coming to these and they are so much fun!  Love to hear what others are doing in their businesses and then after a long day of seminars we celebrate!  This year we got to hear about the new health and wellness launch of our Espira products and there was also a surprise appearance from Project Runway's Tim Gunn!  Finally Avon will be featured in the make-up room on that show this fall!  I am so excited to see Avon's products featured every week!


I've been to 3 conventions and this was by far the best one I've ever been to!  I just loved my seminars, my swag bag which had the wellness vitamins to try, along with a the new A box for fall,  (Heard of the $10 beauty boxes you can get online?  The A box is Avon's version)  some new samples we've been asking for (Skin so Soft samples, anyone?) some jewelry, and new recruiting flyers that we'll be able to order soon!  

They also announced the next destination incentive, but that topic deserves it's very own blog post, so stay tuned!

Nashville was a blast.  Over 6,000 Avon Reps were there.  We stayed at an amazing resort, got to see the upcoming season's great new products, received a lot of free product and shared the experience with one another, including line dancing and fireworks on the final night party.  Repfests are the place to be.  Hope you can join us at the next one.  

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