Repfest 2018


I'm so excited to share with you about this years Avon Convention!  We had such a great time, every time I go it's more fun than the year before.  

This years Repfest was in Columbus Ohio.  They rolled out the red carpet for us and "Avoned up" the place.  

My favorite part of Repfest is seeing old friends and making new ones.  I've been to 4 different Conferences.  At each one I've met new friends,  and then at the next Repfest I can see them again. There's a lot of reunion going on!  I have a little list of new people I'd like to go say hi to and meet, and my  list of who to go find and reconnect with.  I love that.  Oh, yes and there's always opening session and Product Expo.  A giant showcase of all the Christmas items displayed beautifully.  That's fun too!



I am Avon.  This is Me.  I don't know who came up with this slogan, but it so embodies the whole experience of being in Avon, sharing this adventure with others, and coming together once a year to train, learn and collaborate.  Everyone there loves Avon, loves their businesses, and are gathered together to make it better!  Plus, Corporate makes it fun!   

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