Thomas' Story

I started Avon on January 10th 2013. My husband was making very good money and his boss had passed unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm causing him to lose his job.

Which had caused me to take on another job at the mall. So I was now working two jobs and seven days a week.

The young lady who recruited me never gave up for five years and always asked how I was. Well I had mentioned my house losing an income and for the at least hundredth time she offered me the avon opportunity and I agreed to go along to a meeting. She said "Come have fun, there will be giveaways and free coffee and cookies!"

I still at this point wasn't sure. I went to escape my house for a couple hours and enjoy some free snacks. I ended up having a great time and even though my finances were tight I decided to join.

The reason being.. I remember growing up with Avon products and I truly did believe in the company. The problem was I had no belief in myself.

I was one of those people who gave every excuse in the book. I don't have time. I don't know enough customers. I'm a man. I don't drive. Anything you can think of I said to set myself up for failure. But in the back of my head kept saying but people love Avon its been around forever.

My main "why" always being my sister. I joined in hopes to become financially secure to take care of her and show her about independence.

I've changed tremendously over the last four years. I've went from someone with such low self esteem to someone who now smiles everyday , and continues to grow. I have changed from someone with zero percent confidence to someone who wakes up and looks forward to helping others build confidence. I have went from someone who had only a handful of friends to being someone who tens of thousands of friends nationwide: my Avon Family and Friends.


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