Summer Sales

Summer is a busy time!  Lots of time you or your customers are out traveling, vacationing and seeing family and friends.  I have found that summer sales slow down just because people aren't around.  

I know that sometimes new reps get very discouraged if their sales hit a summer slump.  I want to share with you something about this: Push through it, realize people aren't home, go out and find some new customers at the park, at the farmer's market, or when you are out traveling.  Don't give up!  Very soon vacation is over, people come home, we head into fall and all the holiday items are right around the corner.

I hear many reps saying that holidays are the most important time for your business and it certainly is your busiest for sure.  But if you ask me, summer time is the most important time to go out and find those new customers that will be shopping with you into the fall and then for the big holiday season.  

I'm about to be traveling in less than 3 weeks to our Avon Convention and my favorite thing there is the "Product Expo"  where Avon has beautifully displayed all the Christmas/Holiday items we will be selling.  This year along with all the new skincare, Christmas items, Home Decor, and Beauty, Avon will be launching a new Health and wellness line they have been working on!  I cannot wait to see what they have to show us!

Avon calls its convention "Repfest" and it's open for all reps to attend.  This year it's in Nashville!    They have general sessions, then you break up and go listen to speakers. It's motivating and energizing to come together, meet new people and learn brand new strategies for running your Avon business.  This will be my third year.  The first year I went, I ended up sitting at a table next to several Avon all stars, but since I was new, I had no idea who I was sitting next to!  I since then have met and made friends, but that's a story for another entry!

Summer sales are important.  You may never experience a slump.   Many don't even skip a beat during the summer!  But for those that do, plan on increasing your customer base, working your business through the summer months.  It's so important, and come fall, you won't be sorry!!  


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